10 June, 2010

The... Karate Kid

Now, to start, I hate the fuck out of Will Smith's son and I think that the only reason why he is even in the movie business is because of his mother and father. He is annoying, and that is only from just looking at him. And I hate the fuck that they are making a semi-remake of the original movie which is such an 80's icon that it even has Bananarama music.

But... in saying that, the remake looks okay. If they named it something else, then it wouldn't have been such a problem and a lot of people might go see it that wouldn't since it is named Karate Kid.

Though, I am getting annoyed with people asking why the fuck the new Karate Kid movie is called that, when it is set in China and they practice Kung Fu there.

It is pretty simple to explain and it even did it in one of the first teaser trailers. The reason why it is called "The Karate Kid" is because that is what the bullies call him after he tries to defend himself the first time, and they derogatorily call him this, because what else would someone who is an ass and has practiced Kung Fu for most of their life call someone putting up their fists in defense?

I think it is a clever way to integrate the title. I wish they hadn't used the title to begin with, but at least they gave it a reasonable answer as to why they used it.

I still hate the kid though, he looks like a douche bag.

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