26 November, 2009

The... Tin Tin Is Fucking Insane!

I've just found a posting from a website called ceebeegeebee, where they're showing a few panels from a Tin Tin comic. Tin Tin is usually a wholesome comic that a lot of young kids can get into, but it does stray into some dark territory on occasion with it's storylines.

But holy fuck! Tin Tin is fucking insane!

Holy shit! What?! You need it's skin? Click on the link above to get the whole thing in context with a few other panels, but in reality, it still doesn't explain why Tin Tin is so incredibly insane and morbid.

For those that can't be bothered clicking on the link, let's just say that the whole incident comes about because a monkey takes Tin Tin's dog, Snowy. Tin Tin formulates a plan to get the dog back, by going and shooting a different monkey (which I doubt did him any harm), and then skinning it and wearing that skin... so he doesn't arouse any suspicion from the monkey that took his dog.

He then goes off to trade the monkey his safari hat for the dog, which the monkey agrees to... by talking. Oh, and Snowy talks as well...

Once he has the dog back, he goes back to camp... still wearing the monkey fur... and strangely enough... well, take a look:

That's right... he goes back to camp and freaks out his extremely racist depiction of a guide (whilst his dog talks to us), but take note: he is still wearing his fucking safari hat! Did he kill the other monkey and take it back? Why not just shoot the first monkey, and leave the monkey that did nothing to you alone?

Wow... Belgians are fucking insane.

25 November, 2009

The... Jimmy Fallon Did Something Funny?! + The Muppets?!

You read the title right. What the fuck is happening to the world, when Jimmy Fallon does something funny instead of the regular suckitude that he is known for?

I am talking about something that recently appeared on his show (which I still can't believe is HIS show, and which I still haven't watched since I turned off the first episode).

Specifically, a bit where he portrayed Neil Young and sang a cover of the theme to 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air'. Surprisingly, it isn't that bad, and I would totally buy a single if Neil Young were to ever actually do this song... as opposed to downloading it like I have pretty much every single piece of music I have ever gotten, as I don't like buying music... buying music is for morons.

Also, I've come across this video of The Muppets, singing a version of Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody', and it is pretty fucking awesome.

I absolutely loved Animal's part. I would have sent the link to my brother, except for the fact that it has Crazy Harry (pictured right) in a few scenes, who my brother absolutely hates because the character used to freak him out as a kid.

Seriously, look at that fucker! He is a creepy bastard, who blows shit up and cackles like a drugged up bat-shiat crazy fuckhat.

Apparently the character doesn't get used that often anymore because of 9/11, as they say blowing things up even jokingly isn't that fun anymore. I suppose something good came from the whole 9/11 thing that Bush set up. What?!

24 November, 2009

The... How Long Could You Survive A Gay Bar Fight Armed Only With Assless Chaps?

I've only just came across this website, which has one of the longest domain names I think i've ever seen.

How Long Could You Survive A Gay Bar Fight Armed Only With Assless Chaps?

That is comedic genius at it's best. It asks you the simple question of 'how long you can survive in a gay bar fight armed only with assless chaps?' and it does it well.

Update: I am so disappointed that the domain name now just redirects to a much smaller domain name, which is nowhere near the comedic genius that it previously was. So sad. :(

20 November, 2009

The... Debbie 'Fucking' Gibson?!

My brother was in town the other week, and I showed him a large array of weird shit I had managed to find online and elsewhere, whilst he showed me what he had managed to find online and elsewhere. It is this thing we do, as we have similar senses of humour and both have the ability to find some weird shit.

For example, my previous post about the greatest movie ever made, Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus? Little did I realise who the leading lady was in the movie until my brother pointed it out to me when I showed him the trailer.

Debbie 'fucking' Gibson! For those that have no idea who that is, she was a teen pop-star in the 1980's around the same time as Tiffany and Debbie Debb. She did nothing after the 80's ended, until Tiffany decided to get naked for Playboy in the 2000's... and so Debbie Gibson followed suit, and got naked for Playboy a few years later. (link to both, wooh)

My god! This movie is even more awesome than I originally conceived!

The... Hogan

So, if you've been about the internet today, chances are you would have come across a video from a press conference for a wrestling tour in Australia that Hulk Hogan is conducting. At the press conference, reality got blurred as so often it does when wrestling is involved, and shit happened.

Specifically, Ric Flair making fun of Hogan's recent divorce or near-divorce (not sure what has or hasn't happened there, and can't be fucked looking it up), and then Ric Flair laying the smackdown on Hogans balding ass and causing the eventual photo above.

Take that Hogan. That is what you get for going to a training session with the Sydney Cockfucks! I would rather watch Mr Nanny a few times back-to-back than go to a training session with those fuck cakes.

19 November, 2009

The... Worst Porn I Can Find Today: Part 4

Hey, i'm back with another edition of 'Worst Porn I Can Find Today'... and this one is just a treat. This video has all the ingredients for a video you just cannot imagine being made.

The entire fact that this video is an amateur video, makes it go to another whole level, because you realise that the girl in the video isn't getting paid to do this. Do what? After the jump where we go NSFW.

10 November, 2009

The... Series of Personal Challenges: Cigarette

I've been offline the last few days after I discovered that I had gone over my bandwidth limit by about 1.5GB. So, i'm pretty sure that it is going to cost me roughly an extra $200-$300, which sucks ass.

Anyway, this is what i've done since the last post. A new entry into my Series of Personal Challenges.

This time, i'm trying to put a cigarette out on my hand. I got the idea at the pub during karaoke, so I got my friend to film me whilst I try to put a cigarette my girlfriend was smoking, out on my hand.

I also have to admit that this was the second take of the video, so that is why you hear my girlfriend say a certain line during the video.

06 November, 2009

The... Series of Personal Challenges: Auto Fellation

Here's a new one for you, the first in what I hope to be a series (duh!) of personal challenges. What this series entails, is I will film myself trying to see if I can do certain random things, and either succeeding or failing at them. Me and a friend came up with the idea last night at the pub, and we somehow came up with this first challenge.

Can I auto-fellate myself?

That is the challenge. For those that do not know what auto-fellation is, it is essentially the official term for trying to suck your own cock... bizarre how there are people who can do this feat, but even more bizarre is the fact that they even want to try.

So, enjoy!

Check back in every now and then to see if there any new videos in the series, as I am planning to do this on occasion. DO IT!

03 November, 2009

The... Worst Porn I Can Find Today: Part 3

I didn't really need to look that far for something weird today. Just did a quick search over at Cliphunter once again, using the term 'Halloween', in honour of the American holiday which has only just recently passed.

I originally put in the term 'horror', but that was surprisingly lame in it's results. Okay, let's go to the jump, because it is NSFW.

The... Wonder Pets Are Pissing Me Off

I have my kids in a pretty good routine, where they get time to play, eat and watch some cartoons and shit. I always have the TV on Nick Jr because of this, and as a result I get to learn and know hundreds of shitty songs with immense accuracy.

I admit to occasionally getting the 'Dora the Explorer' theme stuck in my head, or some other monotonous piece of shit song in there. But the one that just absolutely pisses me off is 'The Wonder Pets'.

I hate this fucking cartoon with a passion. I FUCKING HATE IT!

It is so fucking annoying, that I wish that the turtle, duck or whatever the fuck the other thing is would pull out a gun and blow my brains out. It is so gratingly repetitive that you know the exact storyline of each episode from the opening credits:

Some stupid animal gets stuck or hurt, the wonder pets phone rings, they get in their little flying boat and then go save the stupid animal with teamwork... because what's gonna work? TEAM-WORK!

Each episode contains the exact same fucking song, it is so excruciatingly fucked. At least some of the other shitty shows on the station change SOME lyrics every now and then to fit the context of the episode... but I suppose if the episode is the exact same every time, you don't really need to change it to fix the context of the episode... since it DOESN'T CHANGE.