For example, the photo to the right is of my fathers car the day that the storm happened. The dust on it is what made it through a cover he puts on the car during winter to keep ice from forming on the windshields and shit.
When the dust storm had finally passed, he eventually cleaned the car before driving it. A logical thing to do.
This is however, my point. The logical thing does not occur to people in this fucking town. Later on in the day, driving around, we saw people driving their cars who hadn't even bothered to wipe the dust off of their front windshield. THEIR FRONT FUCKING WINDSHIELD!
They were struggling to see through it to drive. Others hadn't wiped it off any window bar the front one, so reversing parking cars became annoyingly stupid in the main street. Not to mention those people that made left or right turns who couldn't see through their fucking side windows because they were plastered with red dust.
Seriously people. Use your fucking brains.
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