21 December, 2009

The... Ex Is Trying To Push Me

So, the whole personal matters dealing with my children that I alluded to the other day is a big old custody battle thing. My ex keeps taking little shots at me via her Facebook page, and has been going around telling people that i'm being mean to her and not letting her see the kids and so forth.

These are the facts:
  1.  My ex left to go to the US a few weeks ago, and I assume she paid for the trip with money that she receives for majority custody of our children (which I have records of, that she doesn't, I do), which are specifically to help pay for the childrens welfare, not so she can get her hole filled.
  2. Her house is an absolute mess which I have photos and video of, and so do the police and so do DoCS. The house is filled with rat shit (including their beds), the mice living inside the house have made nests everywhere, there is rotten food all over the place, coffee cups FULL of cigarette butts and to top it all off, the garage is filled almost top to bottom with rubbish.
  3. Whilst she was gone on her hole-filling trip, she managed to spare a whole $120 to help feed the kids, and buy other essential items. And that was only after I made sure to pressure her.
  4. After retrieving my personal belongings from the house which I had left there from the time we had split up, I took the baby cots and a computer we bought together after the children were born which I have a receipt for in my name (this is a major plot point in this story), mainly due to the fact that she owes me about $1100 now.
  5. Whilst I was getting my things, a neighbour called the police to tell them that the caretaker of the house is not there and that people are taking things out of the house. When the police came, the Senior Constable was a friend of my fathers, who went inside the house, almost gagged and decided to take photos of the inside and make a report to DoCS themselves.
  6. She returned a week earlier than expected, i'm assuming because she wanted to clean the house of all the refuse that had piled up... good luck with that.
  7. Oh, there is now NO POWER in the house whatsoever.
  8. Since returning from her trip, she has made the effort to come and see the children once. I'm not stopping her from seeing the children, but she isn't taking them. I won't let them go back to a house like that.
  9. Since returning from her trip, she has made the effort to call about the children twice. Every other time she has called has been about the computer I took. That seems to be all she really cares about, as she went and got a 'Notice of Demand' from the courthouse to hand to me (which you aren't supposed to hand in person, you either do it by mail or through the police), which is pointless as I have a receipt for it, clearly in my name. It listed a number of other things, half of which I didn't even take, which shows that she hadn't even bothered to go to the house herself.
  10. I assume that she is trying desperately to get the computer back so I don't do anything with the number of photos that inhabit a folder called 'Naughty'. The ones of her spreading her pussy wide open are especially bad.
  11. And finally, I have a plastic bag of dead rats that had previously made it's home on top of her computer table. That is where my father found this bag. DoCS really didn't like it when I took that into their offices.
So yeah, once more... if I don't seem to be posting much in the next month or two, this is the reason why. Just thought i'd like to clear that up for anyone that may come to this site on occasion and may enjoy reading my boring shit.


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