11 June, 2010

The... Stupid GPU

For the last few weeks, i've been having a problem with my computer overheating, or more accurately, my graphics card. It is generally okay during regular use of the computer, but whenever I have played a graphics heavy game that would usually not tax my graphics card... it goes apeshit and causes an error which has no real reason and/or solution.

Looking for a solution to this has been a mindfuck of a search, and I came up with nothing. Seems that most people using Windows 7 has this problem, and no one knows why. Many suggest that it is because of overheating the GPU, which seems to be what my problem was.

The reason my GPU was constantly overheating is because the fan attached to it to keep it cool was coming loose, and kept coming off of it's spindel. This keeps giving me the shits, to the extent that to keep the GPU cool enough to use the computer, i've had to have a small fan next to the computer blowing cool air onto it.

But now, I seem to have fixed my problem.

I turned my computer upside down. I figured that the fan couldn't come loose if gravity was stopping it from coming loose... and remarkably, the idea worked.

In fact, it is working so well that the temperature has dropped massively during gameplay of any of the games I previously played. Whereas I was getting up to 95 degrees on some intense scenes... I now get anywhere between 55 to 65.


All of my problems could have been avoided if only the manufacturer built the fucking GPU with a fan on the fucking top, instead of on the bottom. Stupid fucking bastards.

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