29 December, 2009
The... Captain Jack Vs Shark Attack 3
25 December, 2009
The... So It's Christmas

21 December, 2009
The... Ex Is Trying To Push Me
- My ex left to go to the US a few weeks ago, and I assume she paid for the trip with money that she receives for majority custody of our children (which I have records of, that she doesn't, I do), which are specifically to help pay for the childrens welfare, not so she can get her hole filled.
- Her house is an absolute mess which I have photos and video of, and so do the police and so do DoCS. The house is filled with rat shit (including their beds), the mice living inside the house have made nests everywhere, there is rotten food all over the place, coffee cups FULL of cigarette butts and to top it all off, the garage is filled almost top to bottom with rubbish.
- Whilst she was gone on her hole-filling trip, she managed to spare a whole $120 to help feed the kids, and buy other essential items. And that was only after I made sure to pressure her.
- After retrieving my personal belongings from the house which I had left there from the time we had split up, I took the baby cots and a computer we bought together after the children were born which I have a receipt for in my name (this is a major plot point in this story), mainly due to the fact that she owes me about $1100 now.
- Whilst I was getting my things, a neighbour called the police to tell them that the caretaker of the house is not there and that people are taking things out of the house. When the police came, the Senior Constable was a friend of my fathers, who went inside the house, almost gagged and decided to take photos of the inside and make a report to DoCS themselves.
- She returned a week earlier than expected, i'm assuming because she wanted to clean the house of all the refuse that had piled up... good luck with that.
- Oh, there is now NO POWER in the house whatsoever.
- Since returning from her trip, she has made the effort to come and see the children once. I'm not stopping her from seeing the children, but she isn't taking them. I won't let them go back to a house like that.
- Since returning from her trip, she has made the effort to call about the children twice. Every other time she has called has been about the computer I took. That seems to be all she really cares about, as she went and got a 'Notice of Demand' from the courthouse to hand to me (which you aren't supposed to hand in person, you either do it by mail or through the police), which is pointless as I have a receipt for it, clearly in my name. It listed a number of other things, half of which I didn't even take, which shows that she hadn't even bothered to go to the house herself.
- I assume that she is trying desperately to get the computer back so I don't do anything with the number of photos that inhabit a folder called 'Naughty'. The ones of her spreading her pussy wide open are especially bad.
- And finally, I have a plastic bag of dead rats that had previously made it's home on top of her computer table. That is where my father found this bag. DoCS really didn't like it when I took that into their offices.
20 December, 2009
The... Night The Reindeer Died
- Santa.
- Elves.
- Terrorists attacking Santa's workshop at the North Pole.
- Lee Majors (the Six Million Dollar Man!)
- Lee Majors blowing terrorists away with a mini-gun!
11 December, 2009
The... Sorry
06 December, 2009
The... Worst Porn I Can Find Today: Part 5
01 December, 2009
The... Old School Awesomeness
The... Gripe: Media Codec Error
26 November, 2009
The... Tin Tin Is Fucking Insane!
But holy fuck! Tin Tin is fucking insane!

For those that can't be bothered clicking on the link, let's just say that the whole incident comes about because a monkey takes Tin Tin's dog, Snowy. Tin Tin formulates a plan to get the dog back, by going and shooting a different monkey (which I doubt did him any harm), and then skinning it and wearing that skin... so he doesn't arouse any suspicion from the monkey that took his dog.
He then goes off to trade the monkey his safari hat for the dog, which the monkey agrees to... by talking. Oh, and Snowy talks as well...
Once he has the dog back, he goes back to camp... still wearing the monkey fur... and strangely enough... well, take a look:

Wow... Belgians are fucking insane.
25 November, 2009
The... Jimmy Fallon Did Something Funny?! + The Muppets?!
I am talking about something that recently appeared on his show (which I still can't believe is HIS show, and which I still haven't watched since I turned off the first episode).
Specifically, a bit where he portrayed Neil Young and sang a cover of the theme to 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air'. Surprisingly, it isn't that bad, and I would totally buy a single if Neil Young were to ever actually do this song... as opposed to downloading it like I have pretty much every single piece of music I have ever gotten, as I don't like buying music... buying music is for morons.
Also, I've come across this video of The Muppets, singing a version of Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody', and it is pretty fucking awesome.
Seriously, look at that fucker! He is a creepy bastard, who blows shit up and cackles like a drugged up bat-shiat crazy fuckhat.
Apparently the character doesn't get used that often anymore because of 9/11, as they say blowing things up even jokingly isn't that fun anymore. I suppose something good came from the whole 9/11 thing that Bush set up. What?!
24 November, 2009
The... How Long Could You Survive A Gay Bar Fight Armed Only With Assless Chaps?
Update: I am so disappointed that the domain name now just redirects to a much smaller domain name, which is nowhere near the comedic genius that it previously was. So sad. :(
20 November, 2009
The... Debbie 'Fucking' Gibson?!

The... Hogan

19 November, 2009
The... Worst Porn I Can Find Today: Part 4
The entire fact that this video is an amateur video, makes it go to another whole level, because you realise that the girl in the video isn't getting paid to do this. Do what? After the jump where we go NSFW.
10 November, 2009
The... Series of Personal Challenges: Cigarette
Anyway, this is what i've done since the last post. A new entry into my Series of Personal Challenges.
This time, i'm trying to put a cigarette out on my hand. I got the idea at the pub during karaoke, so I got my friend to film me whilst I try to put a cigarette my girlfriend was smoking, out on my hand.
I also have to admit that this was the second take of the video, so that is why you hear my girlfriend say a certain line during the video.
06 November, 2009
The... Series of Personal Challenges: Auto Fellation
Can I auto-fellate myself?
That is the challenge. For those that do not know what auto-fellation is, it is essentially the official term for trying to suck your own cock... bizarre how there are people who can do this feat, but even more bizarre is the fact that they even want to try.
So, enjoy!
Check back in every now and then to see if there any new videos in the series, as I am planning to do this on occasion. DO IT!
03 November, 2009
The... Worst Porn I Can Find Today: Part 3
I originally put in the term 'horror', but that was surprisingly lame in it's results. Okay, let's go to the jump, because it is NSFW.
The... Wonder Pets Are Pissing Me Off
I admit to occasionally getting the 'Dora the Explorer' theme stuck in my head, or some other monotonous piece of shit song in there. But the one that just absolutely pisses me off is 'The Wonder Pets'.

It is so fucking annoying, that I wish that the turtle, duck or whatever the fuck the other thing is would pull out a gun and blow my brains out. It is so gratingly repetitive that you know the exact storyline of each episode from the opening credits:
Each episode contains the exact same fucking song, it is so excruciatingly fucked. At least some of the other shitty shows on the station change SOME lyrics every now and then to fit the context of the episode... but I suppose if the episode is the exact same every time, you don't really need to change it to fix the context of the episode... since it DOESN'T CHANGE.
30 October, 2009
The... Perfect Murder?
It was also kind of odd because the people who were murdered were the parents of one of our friends... and technically, it wasn't a double-murder... it was a murder-suicide. The father murdered the mother after finding out she had apparently cheated on him.
But that is another story for another day.
Like I said, we thought up a way to get away with a murder, which also implicates someone you hate. You want to hear it? Well here it is: the perfect murder.
- In the lead-up to the initial act, cause an altercation between the target and the person you shall be framing.
- Now that there is an existing fued between the two, meet the target in some random place... preferably the bush so that blood isn't ruining your carpet or whatever.
- Stab them repeatedly. Be sure to be wearing gloves.
- Wrap their body in a plastic sheet or some other novelty sheet thing...
- Put their body into your trunk or car or whatever.
- Drive to the house of the person you are framing. Be sure to be wearing a balaclava.
- Drag the body to the front door, knock on the door.
- When the person you are framing opens the door, shove the bloody knife into their hand and throw the dead person at them.
- Leg it.
- (Optional) If you have access to a koala and didn't have access to gloves, allow the koala access to the crime scene. A koala is the only creature in nature that has fingerprints similar to a human... which will fuck with the forensics.
If you think it isn't, then tell me why? Do you really think that the police will believe the story of this person who has a dead person on their front doorstep, who is holding the murder weapon, and had some previous animosity towards the person?
No. "Hello Police? Ah yes... some crazy man threw this dead body at me and handed me a bloody knife."
Sure he did.
19 October, 2009
The... Worst Porn I Can Find Today: Part 2
Now, this one doesn't embed, so I am providing a screenshot and a link to the page holding the video. Both are provided, after the jump and I must say it is probably NSFW.
17 October, 2009
The... Worst Porn I Can Find Today: Part 1
Everyone has done it. They've looked at porn. Whether it be involuntary or you're actively looking for it, if you have been on the internet for more than a minute, you've seen some porn... and in many cases, it was probably bad porn.
So that is the goal of this post, I will take a look around on the internet and find some bad porn. I know you want to watch it, because everyone is compelled to watch bad porn when they see it advertised. I'm not going out to find the most disgusting things I can find, just the worst somewhat normal porn you can find. So, bondage shit will most likely appear numerous times for this soon-to-be regular segment.
And as it is porn, it is most likely going to be NSFW, so these videos will always appear after the jump.
The... This Man?!

In fact, here is a thing I just whipped up in photoshop:

16 October, 2009
The... GeoCities
I remember my first GeoCities page... actually, no I don't, because I actually could be bothered when I didn't have money for a website to go and look for a free service that was worth it. FreeWebs for one, and even Angelfire at one point, for instance.
I hope that along with GeoCities, the countless thousands of morons who invested countless hours through that site die.
13 October, 2009
The... Tragic Sex
A few months ago, I had broken up with my partner of 3 years. I ended up relying on a mutual female friend of ours to help me through it, who had only just broken up with her partner of the last 3 years as well. At first, we were just hanging out, watching horror movies and getting drunk together for about a month or two. Then, after getting drunk one night we ended up in bed together where we started making out.
From there, we started having sex. It wasn’t all that good, but it was average. The end result was that I didn’t end up finishing, mainly because of me being as drunk as I was and me being incredibly tired. I left the next morning, and things continued on as normal, like it didn’t happen.
Another night about a month on down the track, we were drinking again. This time, we were drunk, and decided to watch some porn. So we do. At one point, I am almost finished my drink, so I jokingly say that when I finish my drink I was going to leave before I ended up doing something to her. Moments later, she goes to the toilet. I down the last bit of bourbon that I’m drinking, head to the kitchen to leave my glass on the table, when she walks in from the bathroom, naked. She just giggles and says I wasn’t supposed to be there… I suppose she was going to surprise me or something.
So, we start making out, and I pull my shorts down and put her onto a beanbag that is on the ground, and start fucking her. The porn is still on the TV, and the music is still playing. The music at the time of us fucking happening to be John Williamson, which was weird. So here we are fucking, on the beanbag, and then on the hard wood floor. We both get into it a fair bit more than last time, as this time we don’t have “hey, I’m fucking my friend,” going on in our heads. We’re just fucking.
We keep going, and she’s getting close to cumming. She pushes me onto the hard floor and starts grinding herself into me for a few minutes, but can’t cum. Once again, I didn’t finish either, because of the amount of alcohol I had drank. We get up and start getting dressed, when I notice she is crying.
I ask her what it is, and she starts going on about how she can’t make me cum. I tell her it was the alcohol, but she believes it was just her. I ended up leaving, with my friend crying her eyes out over not making me cum again. For the next week or two, she gets upset whenever we talk, either over the phone or in person. It’s either “I’m fat,” or “I’m ugly,” which she is neither.
So yeah, after that we don’t really talk now. It’s really way too awkward. I totally know why they say not to have sex with friends now, because if you don’t cum, they go bat-shiat insane and think they are fat and ugly, and don’t know how to make you cum.
10 October, 2009
The... Rambo
I had heard about the violence in the film, and from what I had heard, I figured it was just Rambo killing vast amounts of bad guys. I was totally wrong. Most of the people that get killed are innocent civilians: women, old people, injured people and even kids.
I don't mean teenagers either, I mean kids... little kids. Some of them get killed by getting stabbed, really graphically... or shot in the head... or thrown into fires. Dude. Did we really need to see that shit?! Since I've become a father, I get really upset in some ways when I see a scene in a movie or tv show depicting a kid being killed or whatever. It just upsets me. Go ahead and call me a fag or whatever, I don't give a fuck.
When the movie wasn't showing the innocent and unprovoked murders of entire villages, it was okay. But man, it's hard to keep the audience wanting to watch when you've just shown that much gore and unpleasant violence into a few scenes near the start of the film. The end gunfight with the bad guys is pretty good, and man, there is a lot of bloodshed.
And one thing I loved was that to make the villian even more reviled and hated by the audience... like you would even need to do this after he orders the countless murders throughout the film... they make him a gay paedophile, showing him taking a young boy into his cabin at night, and making him leave early the next morning whilst doing up his pants.
I didn't see the scene where he tortures a box full of kittens, so they must have cut that and thought it was a bit too much.

In the end, he ends up getting what he deserves. A gut full of machete.
05 October, 2009
The... Greatest Movie Ever, And I Didn't Watch It!
What is the movie?

I am really disappointed that I didn't get a chance to watch it. I might hire it out again, so I can watch it... because judging from this trailer I found on YouTube, it is all kinds of utter retardedness, and I must watch.
29 September, 2009
The... I Hate Clowns
I have hated clowns ever since I saw the movie 'IT', just like a lot of people who were young and saw the mini-series starring Tim Curry, for the first time in the early 1990's. I hate them to hell. I'm particularly slightly frightened of the more creepy looking/acting ones.
That is why back in about 1999, when I stumbled across this website, I became a member and used the site's limited email service. This was back when the major free email service was still Hotmail, and you had something like 10MB for your inbox.
Don't know why i'm bringing all this up. Think it just made me feel all fuzzy like inside to see a website that i thought had died, still kicking it around on the internet.
I tried my old email address and login, to see if maybe I was still a registered user of their email service, but alas... I am not. I was thinking about creating a new email address there, until I realised that their service isn't quite free anymore. Shame.
28 September, 2009
The... Polanski
I would have thought that Polanski would be one of those guys that stayed on the run until they died, but he got caught. It'll be interesting to see what the outcome will actually be.
Will the US extradite him back to their soil, and will they go to trial for something that happened 30 years ago? Seriously, the person who he apparently did all this to says to leave it the fuck alone, and that she doesn't care.
It'll be a very interesting few months ahead for Mr Polanski I think.
26 September, 2009
The... Stupidity

For example, the photo to the right is of my fathers car the day that the storm happened. The dust on it is what made it through a cover he puts on the car during winter to keep ice from forming on the windshields and shit.
When the dust storm had finally passed, he eventually cleaned the car before driving it. A logical thing to do.
This is however, my point. The logical thing does not occur to people in this fucking town. Later on in the day, driving around, we saw people driving their cars who hadn't even bothered to wipe the dust off of their front windshield. THEIR FRONT FUCKING WINDSHIELD!
They were struggling to see through it to drive. Others hadn't wiped it off any window bar the front one, so reversing parking cars became annoyingly stupid in the main street. Not to mention those people that made left or right turns who couldn't see through their fucking side windows because they were plastered with red dust.
Seriously people. Use your fucking brains.
16 September, 2009
The... Apocalypse
...little did I know, that it was really the Apocalypse.
Imagine that!

That is a photo of just outside my front door. Creepy as all fuck.
The... Cure Article
I'll be writing a bit more for the site when I have the time to do so, and it will all be about alcohol... so if you are a fan of the subject, you will like what I have to say. Or at least, I hope so.
14 September, 2009
The... GIS Of The Day: Monkey Jesus
Why is it that? Why not?

12 September, 2009
The... Julius Andreas Gimli Arn MacGyver Chewbacka Highlander Elessar-Jankov
The person that chose that name was a NY Firefighter who claimed that Optimus Prime was like a father-figure to him... whatever.
But now, that man has been beaten.
Meet Julius Andreas Gimli Arn MacGyver Chewbacka Highlander Elessar-Jankov...

Good work dude... i'm pretty sure you'll never get laid.
09 September, 2009
The... GIS Of The Day: Unhappy
Anyway, let us move on. I want to use a better word, and what word is better than the word which describes how I felt about the earlier post:

Wooh... thingy: 2aum37qhpe
The... GIS Of The Day: Random
I thought i'd have a go at something I once did at a very old site of mine that was pretty fun to do. A Google Image Search, using a completely random word that I come across during the day or whatever... and then I will post the strangest pictures or links to interesting looking pages from the first 5-10 pages. Not sure how many pages I will do... most likely only 5.
Anyway, a few guidelines:
- Each page in GIS contains 21 images. At least 5 pages should be roughly 105 images to find something stupid.
- Pornography will have a NSFW image to click on to see the image proper.
- It is what I find to be strange or interesting... not anyone else.

What a way to start off. Four images of utter crapness.
The... Mothersbaugh

It was quite strange the first time I spotted him drawing on 'Yo Gabba Gabba!'
My kids were watching him intently as he started to draw some creature, the type of which I cannot recall... but he then drew a flute and the drawing started to play the flute and jump about the place (which reminded me of "Cactus Chef playing 'We Didn't Start the Fire' on a flute" from Late Night with Conan O'Brien). Obviously his mind is still warped from the old DEVO days and this has translated to the projects that he is involved in...
...which is good to see. That's exactly what kids need these days. Some good old 1970's/1980's insanity.
By the way, I found the Lego man from here. Quite awesome indeed.
08 September, 2009
The... Gripe: Sliders
The first episode of the second season ended with them landing on a world that could possibly be theirs after receiving it's coordinates from an alternate fat kid, and they had about a minute to discern whether they were on their world or not.
The newspaper in the letterbox doesn't give any clues, as on this world OJ Simpson was tried for a double murder, the Raiders are playing out of Oakland and the Cleveland Indians actually made the World Series.
Could that much have happened since they left? Well, gee, I don't know. Maybe they need something more tangible to figure out if they are on their world.
So, how did they try to figure out if they were on their world? Well, you see... the front gate of the fat kid's house was always squeaky on his world. And luckily, they arrived out the front of his house. Take a look:
For those that couldn't be fucked watching it, i'll explain. He tests it out... and alas, it isn't squeaky... which means... this can't be their world.
They decide to slide on.
After they've slid away, his mother walks out with the gardener who shows her that he has fixed the squeak with a bit of oil.
They just moved on from their world because they couldn't really be fucked to check for anything else apart from a fucking gate.
This seriously was one of their major tests throughout the show as to whether they were on their own world or not.
"Is the gate squeaky?"
If the gate was squeaky, they would usually try to settle into "their" lives until they realise that something isn't right... like the President is a Nazi, or something along those lines.
One thing that I find a bit stupid, is the fact that they just keep sliding like it is their only way to get home.
Why doesn't the fat kid who is an uber-genius who invented the intra-dimensional sliding system in his fucking basement sit the fuck down on a really good world, and build a new fucking device? He surely must be able to build it again, seeing as he could have the resources of a rich blues singer at his disposal, and he has the fucking Professor along with him to give him a hand.
Not to mention... he might have a parallel version of himself who could offer a hand with building the fucking thing.
Really. Why the fuck slide?
06 September, 2009
The... Justice League

I liked it mainly for the fact that it focused on two of my favourite comic characters: Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern of Sector 2814 and J'onn J'onzz aka The Martian Manhunter.
The direct-to-dvd release is essentially a quick retelling of the start of the Silver Age of Comics, and for fans of that era of comics, it does a pretty good job.
The Golden Age heroes had been forced to retire after the McCarthy hearings, with people fearing them for their use of masks, wondering what they were hiding. Batman is considered a vigilante and is wanted by the authorities, whilst Superman is a registered hero under the government. Barry Allen, the second Flash, is already active and is already gaining a few of his famous rogues gallery such as Captain Cold and Gorilla Grodd.
Hal Jordan has returned from Korea after the war has ended, and is enlisted in the ranks of Ferris Air. It takes a fair while for him to get the Green Lantern power ring, almost near the end of the movie, but the buildup is good.
They nailed the Manhunters origins quite well, with him being transported accidently to Earth by a scientist who ends up having a heart attack at seeing the Martian's true form. He then goes into seclusion watching television to learn of Earth customs and shit until he finally takes the form of a noir detective and becomes... well, a police detective. The only thing I was disappointed about was that he wasn't shown to be eating any Oreo cookies.
That's all i'm gonna say for now. Off to space!
29 August, 2009
The... Itching
Thought I'd share that since I don't have anything else to write about.
26 August, 2009
The... Dickhead
Completely shaven.
We started off on a discussion about what she prefers on a guy, and the consensus from her was that she liked her bloke to be lightly trimmed. Not overly balding and shit down there, but neatly trimmed, so that it doesn't interfere with her... well, adventuring.
Well... I'm a fucking dickhead.
Two days later and I now have a tremendously itching crotch region, due to taking the initiative and wanting to do something for her. I now have parts completely shaved on my balls... and I am now copping the aftermath of regrowing hair in my most precious of nether-regions.
I would prefer to have someone punch me in the face than this feeling. How the fuck chicks can continue to shave, and not just wax, down there is beyond me.
21 August, 2009
The... New Girl
That bit kind of weirded me out. I was hoping they would get along, but they got along extremely good. And she also went to school with one of my other friend's girlfriends. So, it was like a big girl love-fest when we went out the other day.
I was the only guy there, so it was a bit awkward... but I toughed it out.
I have to say that she really is a great girl. She is nice, she can make me laugh, and she is a terrific singer. To top it off, she deep throats, she swallows, and she is a squirter. The holy triumvirate of a highly-sexed sexual partner that a lot of guys want.
And I have it! Ahahahaha!
17 August, 2009
The... Broken iPod
I find this.
What a fucking rip off. $80 for a BROKEN iPod.
Let me state that again. $80 as the starting bid... for a BROKEN iPod!
Wow. The current bid on the iPod I was looking to try to get was up to $70-something, and that was a fully functioning one, that comes with the fucking headphones and shit.
If someone gets that iPod. I'm going to travel down the telephone wires like the motherfucking Atom, and cock punch the person into oblivion.
I hate humanity.
15 August, 2009
The... Urge To Kill
My kids have broken down my resolve over the last 18 hours or so, that I just want to hurt someone really badly. They woke up at 2am, and haven't slept since. One of them shat in their play-room, and they've generally been pissing me off more and more as the day goes on.
Not to mention when I change them, they keep kicking me in the nuts. I hate being kicked in the nuts... but constantly and repeatedly... is not my idea of fun.
For those wanting kids... you fucking idiots. Rip out your testicles before it is too late, and then run far away from them after you've fed them to a dog. Run away as fast as you can. And then punch your missus for even suggesting the idea to you.
13 August, 2009
The... Drinking pt 2: Frank Bolts
I don't remember leaving the pub, have a few messages on my phone having a conversation with my mate's wife where I identified myself as Frank Bolts, and my curtain wasn't on the window, so judging from me being half naked... i'm guessing someone got a show.
Then on my Facebook page, I have drunken messages stating that "is prety fuckrd. soryy fptryhodr jr had prddrf pfgg" and "ahuir", which from my many years worth of valuable training in 'Drunken IRC Decoding', means "is pretty fucked, sorry if i've pissed anyone off" and "shit".
The second one is most likely because even when i'm drunk I can pick up on the fact that I'm drunk, and I usually pick up immediately on the fact that i've mis-spelt something.
The whole thing has got me thinking that me identifying myself as Frank Bolts is who I turn into when I get drunk. When I drink, I become Frank Bolts.
Who this man is, I don't know. I've never met him.
But he sounds awesome.
12 August, 2009
The... Drinking

Drinking is a favourite past-time of mine, so much so that I have become quite proficient at it. It isn't an uncommon sight that when I hit the drink, that I drink a fair amount. I love my alcohol.
If I became totally uninterested in the world, chances are that I would probably slowly kill myself like the character of Ben in 'Leaving Las Vegas'. The likely-hood of drinking myself to death in Las Vegas whilst getting together with someone of the hotness magnitude of Elisabeth Shue is beyond astronomical though.
It'd be worth the shot though. Even if I end up falling through a glass table after sucking on her tits covered in whiskey. It would be totally worth the shot.
The... Breakin'

One of the things that I am happy to get a hold of, is some of the music from Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. This movie has been a favourite of mine from before I can remember, and listening to the music unattached from the movie is awesome.
I was just sitting here, reading stuff on Wikipedia when all of a sudden the next song on my playlist in Winamp is Ice T - Combat. It kicked all sorts of ass, but I have to say I was disappointed that there isn't someone yelling "TKO" at the end.
Is there anything in this world more awesome than Breakin' 2? I highly doubt it, as evidenced by the fact that everyone uses it's subtitle whenever a sequel to a popular movie is announced. Most people don't even know where the hell the whole Electric Boogaloo thing comes from... THAT is how awesome the movie is.
I've gone mad recently with the shit i'm downloading. I've started downloading a 200GB collection of the classic series of Doctor Who. That is, all the surviving serials, along with recreations of episodes missing. Already watched the first part of 'The Mutants', more commonly known as 'The Daleks'... quite awesome.
Dark Angel.
I know, it sounds like i've gone and turned into a lamer, buying a copy of the bad TV series starring Jessica Alba, but fret not... this is no lame TV series.
You see, Dark Angel is the alternate title of a movie starring Dolph Lundgren, which was released in the USA under the infinitely stupid title 'I Come In Peace', which is a line that the main villian constantly says. In fact, it might be the only thing he says, apart from the odd grunt or weird hiss. The villian is in fact played by Matthias Hues who is one of those "hey, it's that guy" type of actors. You don't know their names, but when you see them, you just KNOW who they are.

But anyway, like I said... I bought this movie. Is it a good movie? Barely. It's pretty predictable. A cop loses his partner in a drug bust gone wrong, gets assigned a new partner who is a stickler for the rules, investigates shit, gets caught in the ministrations of an intergalactic drug dealer, becomes friends with new partner... and so on.
You know, typical 80's cop drama with awesome one-liners.
"And you go in pieces, asshole."
09 July, 2009
The... New
- He was a very talented man, and made alot of really good songs.
- He should have died back in the late 1980's.
Can anyone deny that they don't think of the really strange shit that he had done for the past 15-20 years whenever they hear his name mentioned, even if a little bit? No, you can't.
RIP Michael Jackson from the 1980's... you will be missed.
25 May, 2009
The... Same
Until that day comes, I shall be waiting for pain. What pain? THE PAIN!