05 January, 2010

The... Show Some Tit

I've just finished watching Avatar, and have to say that the movie is pretty good and that is from watching a shitty copy that some dude filmed in a cinema in Germany. The special effects are great, the story is good, and the action is some of the best that James Cameron has put to film.

One thing that I don't understand though is that with all the realistic special effects that they made for the movie, they couldn't seem to create any realistic moving fabric for the loincloths of the Na'vi.

I know that sounds weird, but think about it.

You have these realistic depictions of this alien race, from head to toe, they are remarkably lifelike. The entire world that was created for the movie is living and breathing, and you could be mistaken to think that this entire world actually exists and Cameron just went there to film.

But then, the shit that the Na'vi wear doesn't really move off of their bodies. The loin cloths of the dudes don't move away from their junk which it would in real life, and especially with all their flying around and going at weird angles and shit. I mean, come on.

And then the women have all these ornamental things covering their boobs, and they don't move off of their tits at all. Seriously... watch a documentary with some African tribes people in it, and tell me how fucking well their ornamental shit and loincloths stay attached to their bodies. The picture below is the closest you probably get to see of any tit (you can sort of see her nipples), but when it gets closer, you see it is all just ornament shit.

If you're gonna make everything so fucking lifelike, then how about some tit? Hmm?

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